How is lice passed from person to person?

Lice is most commonly passed by head to head contact. It is very easy to catch lice from a simple hug between friends. Lice can also be caught from sharing brushes, hair accessories, and bedding.

How long does the service take?

The removal process will take up to two hours per person treated. 

Will you be 100% clear of head lice after the first treatment?

After your first lice treatment with us you will be 99 percent clear. Lice removal is a process. After the lice treatment, we will provide one follow up visit to ensure you are lice free. We will provide maintenance training and show you how to follow up on your own from where we leave off. You can hire us for an additional treatments as necessary.

Do you come in a car marked “lice removal”?

No. We will arrive in an unmarked vehicle. It will simply look like you are having a friend over for a visit.

Can't I just wash lice out of my child's hair?

No. It is not possible to remove lice by washing the hair alone. The only way to get rid of lice is to remove them and their eggs by combing and nit picking. Chemical alternatives can be used to kill the lice, however the chemicals do not kill the eggs which will hatch within days of treatment. It is necessary to remove all live lice and their eggs at the same time. Most people who use chemical treatments will find that they have a recurring lice problem and will also pass lice to others before they ever get rid of the problem.

Who gets head lice?

Anyone can get head lice. They do not discriminate. It is not as common for African-Americans to get head lice, but they can get it too and should be checked just as often as everyone else.

Is having lice a sign of being dirty?

Having head lice is not a sign of being dirty at all. Head lice actually prefer clean hair, but unfortunately cannot be removed by washing hair alone. Head lice infestations can be hard to identify sometimes, because they affect people differently, but a thorough head check and treatment is required in order to remove them.

Can lice be passed after treatment?

After treatment you should be free of head lice, however it doesn't take much for a reinfestation to occur. It is important to avoid head to head contact with others. Do not share combs, brushes, or any hair accessories.

If a family member has lice, will I get it too?

Not necessarily. If the head lice infestation is taken care of properly and as soon as possible, no one should contract head lice. It is necessary to treat all head lice infestations as well as wash bedding, pillows, and brushes/combs in extremely hot water. Upholstered furniture used by any affected persons should be vacuumed.

How can I prevent my child from bringing home head lice?

Lice spread among children because they commonly share hats, combs, and other items. It is important to teach your children not to share these items or have head to head contact with others. Scalps should be examined frequently examined to discover and treat lice before they spread to the rest of your family.