Back to School Lice

You've heard of Back to School Night, but what about Back to School Lice?

Yes, lice have gone right back into the classroom with the rest of the kids and that's a problem. For starters they are extremely distracting. The manage to take time away from students by biting and making them itch and feel uncomfortable. It's not easy to pay close attention under those circumstances.

It doesn't take much for them to hitch a ride onto another student and multiply. Before long, the whole class will be scratching their heads (including teachers and staff). 

The lice must be expelled at once!

If one kid in class requires treatment, all kids in class should be checked for infestations. Teachers and staff with close contact to students should be checked as well. To prevent lice from running the school we have to take them out!

Lucky for you, Buggie's Lice Removal is experienced in handling your family's needs in the privacy of your own home. We will come to you and help you take care of everything. We know what to do so that you don't have to worry. Buggie's Lice Removal will see to it that you and your family are not just treated for lice, but we will work with you until the lice is gone. Your child will enjoy going back to school (without lice) in no time!

Contact Buggie's Lice Removal to schedule an appointment today!

(720) 4NO-LICE

(720) 466-5423

We are available for appointments by phone (leave a message) and by email anytime.
Appointments can be scheduled during the following times:

Regular Hours:

Monday thru Friday: 9am to 8pm
Saturday: 8am to 8pm
Sunday: 1pm to 5pm